Alberta Professor Booted from the Classroom – Again

Anthony Hall appearing in a Holocaust-denial video produced by Alfred Schaefer (Photo Credit: YouTube Screenshot)

August 2, 2018

By Aidan Fishman
National Director of the League for Human Rights
B’nai Brith Canada

LETHBRIDGE, Alta. – A professor at the University of Lethbridge in southern Alberta has been removed from the classroom yet again, amid an ongoing internal investigation into his antisemitic activities.

Anthony Hall was initially suspended by the University in October of 2016, after B’nai Brith Canada exposed his appearance in online Holocaust denial videos and his promotion of antisemitic conspiracy theories in the classroom, such as the claim that Israel and U.S. Jews staged the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. He was formally reinstated as a member of faculty one year later following an agreement between the University and the Faculty Association.

In late July, B’nai Brith discovered that Hall was listed as teaching two courses on the University of Lethbridge website – “Capital, Culture and Globalization” and “Globalization and Education” – despite previous assurances from University officials that he would remain barred from the classroom pending an internal investigation.

After B’nai Brith complained to the university, the courses were quickly scrubbed from the website and the Registrar confirmed that Hall would not be teaching courses in the fall 2018 semester. No explanation was provided, however, as to why the courses had been listed in the first place.

“B’nai Brith is proud to have played a role in ensuring that Professor Hall’s brand of hate will not return to the classroom for the fall of 2018,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “Antisemitism has no place in academia, and we continue to demand action from both the University and the Government of Alberta, so that students are never again exposed to anti-Jewish and anti-Israel propaganda instead of real scholarship.”

Monika and Alfred Schaefer – the German-Canadian siblings who collaborated with Hall in producing the Holocaust denial videos – are facing trial in Germany for inciting hatred against Jews.

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