October 4, 2019
B’nai Brith Canada
OTTAWA – B’nai Brith is reminding the Jewish community of its opportunities to vote ahead of Election Day, which falls on the holiday of Shemini Atzeret this year.
There are only TWO WEEKS left where observant Jews will have opportunities to vote. B’nai Brith wants to ensure that all Jewish-Canadians can have their voices heard by casting their ballots at times that do not interfere with their religious observance.
The following opportunities are available for Jewish-Canadians to vote ahead of Election Day:
Option 1: At your local Returning Office.
When? Any day before Erev Sukkot (Oct. 13)
Monday to Friday: 9 AM – 9 PM
Sunday: 12 PM – 4 PM
Where? Click HERE (page doesn’t exist) to find the location of your riding’s Returning Office.
Option 2: At an Additional Service Point.
When? Sunday Oct. 6 or Thursday Oct. 10
10 AM – 8 PM both days
Where? Click HERE (page doesn’t exist) to find the location of your riding’s locations.
Option 3: At an Advance Poll.
When? Friday Oct. 11 or Sunday Oct. 13
9 AM – 9 PM both days
(Note: These days are Erev Shabbat/Yom Tov.)
Where? Click HERE to find the location of your advance polling station.
For any of these options, please remember to bring valid ID.
B’nai Brith encourages all Canadians to participate in the democratic process.