Appels à l'action
B’nai Brith lance régulièrement des campagnes locales pour susciter des changements sociétaux positifs. Ce n’est qu’ensemble que nous pourrons réussir dans notre quête d’un Canada plus civilisé.
Défendons les femmes
Expulser Khaled Barakat
et Charlotte Kates
mettre fin à la terreur du Hamas
Israël en guerre
Campagnes et pétitions passées

Write Your MP: The IRGC Must Be Listed As A Terrorist Organization
Dec. 1, 2020 TORONTO — B’nai Brith Canada is calling on members of the public to contact their local Members of Parliament and demand that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) be immediately listed as a terrorist group in its entirety. B’nai Brith held a virtual event Monday night to commemorate a

Heartfelt Stories: Jews from Arab Countries and Iran
B’nai Brith Canada brings you a series of accounts from Jews from Arab Countries and Iran. Join us to watch and listen to the heartfelt details of their horrifying uprooting experiences. The event will appear on this page on Monday, November 30, 2020 at 7pm EST.

PETITION: Maintain U of T’s Academic Integrity
October 2, 2020 B’nai Brith Canada TORONTO – Please sign this petition, led by University of Toronto faculty, encouraging the university to stand strong in refusing to hire Valentina Azarova to head its Faculty of Law’s International Human Rights Program (IHRP). The petition is open to all and draws attention to Azarova’s worrying associations with non-governmental
Petition to Bar Faisal Bhabha from Teaching “Human Rights” at Osgoode Hall Law School
Rhonda Lenton Office of the President 1050 Kaneff Tower 4700 Keele Street Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 Dear President and Vice-Chancellor Lenton, We, the undersigned, demand that Associate Professor Faisal Bhabha no longer teach any “human rights” courses at York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School. As you acknowledged in your letter of

Sign Our Petition: Canada Must Denounce the Use of Palestinian Child Soldiers
February 18, 2020 B’nai Brith Canada OTTAWA – B’nai Brith Canada is calling on the federal government to speak out forcefully against the recruitment and use of Palestinian child soldiers in advance of Palestinian Child Soldiers Week (Feb. 18-21). TO SIGN OUR PETITION, PLEASE CLICK HERE. Canada has been at the forefront of

Sign Our Petition to List the IRGC as a Terrorist Organization within the Next 30 Days
Dear Mr. Prime Minister, Nineteen months have elapsed since the House of Commons passed a bipartisan motion calling on the government to “immediately” list Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), in its entirety, as a terrorist organization. Nevertheless, the government has not yet followed through on this commitment. It makes