B’nai Brith Canada CEO Addresses Toronto City Hall about al-Quds Day

Toronto Mayor John Tory (left) and B’nai Brith Canada CEO Michael Mostyn at Toronto City Hall

June 19, 2018

By Tevy Pilc
B’nai Brith Canada

TORONTO – Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada, appeared at Toronto City Hall Tuesday to speak to the city’s Executive Committee on matters concerning the annual al-Quds Day rally.

To an audience that included Toronto Mayor John Tory and city councillors, Mostyn spoke on behalf of the Jewish community, highlighting the hateful nature of al-Quds Day and advocating for its end on city property. Watch his address below.

Recently, B’nai Brith launched a petition  urging the city to ban the annual hatefest.

To sign it, click here.