B’nai Brith Releases Exclusive Summary of Major Parties’ Positions Ahead of Election

September 16, 2019

OTTAWA – Following the launch of our Elections Centre and the announcement of our upcoming debates, B’nai Brith Canada is pleased to release a summary of the positions of the major political parties ahead of the coming federal election.

The major parties all received questionnaires from B’nai Brith earlier this year, giving them an opportunity to clarify where they stand on issues of concern to the Jewish community. Responses from the Liberal, Conservative, NDP, and Green parties were received. B’nai Brith also reached out to the People’s Party of Canada, which did not respond.

The new summary highlights the parties’ positions, as described to B’nai Brith, on policies of interest to Jewish voters as they decide who to cast their ballots for in October. The full responses from the parties will also be released at a later date.

B’nai Brith is proud to provide comprehensive resources for the Jewish community ahead of the coming election.

Our candidate debates begin this week in the ridings of Eglington-Lawrence (Wednesday, Sept. 18) and Thornhill (Thursday, Sept. 19).

Please see our Elections Centre for more information about future debates in other parts of the country.