B’nai Brith Canada Gets a New Look

You may have noticed our updated logos. The new look more accurately reflects the various aspects of our organization. People know B’nai Brith Canada for our relentless advocacy efforts to stamp out antisemitism and discrimination. We also engage in community and sports programs that include a wide range of activates that represent our core values of justice, compassion, and benevolence.

B’nai Brith Advocacy: We stand up on behalf of our community and others who are subject to racism and discrimination. Pursuing justice for all is an essential element of a healthy society. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be included and participate as fully as possible.

B’nai Brith Cares: Our many community engagement programs represent two other important values, compassion and benevolence. Life can throw curveballs, and sometimes it becomes difficult to make ends meet. And with getting older, many seniors find themselves increasingly socially isolated. Our food box programs help people through difficult times. A wide range of activities offer seniors companionship and social support. The time, effort, and kindness of our many volunteers are essential for the success of these programs.

B’nai Brith Sports: Playing team sports does not only bring people together but also nurtures leadership skills and sportsmanship.

Justice, social justice, doing acts of kindness, and physical activity are essential values for a healthy and inclusive society.