July 28, 2023
TORONTO – B’nai Brith Canada lept into action last week to aid refugees temporarily housed at several churches in North York, Ont.
Our motto is “people helping people.” And we do.
Within 24 hours of being asked by Toronto City Councilor James Pasternak to lend a hand, our staff and volunteers rushed to deliver 9,000 pounds of much-needed food to African refugees temporarily housed at evangelical churches in the area. The next day, we ran an emergency clothing-collection drive – assembling more than 6,000 pounds of clothing, bedding, and other essentials. Fortunately, we were again able to provide these items to the migrants in short order.
Giving back to the community is at the core of our mission and has inspired our humanitarian efforts since our inception in 1875. For example, last year – after Russia invaded Ukraine – B’nai Brith organized humanitarian relief for Ukrainian refugees, including by finding affordable housing for several families forced to flee their homes. Previously, we assisted Afghan asylum seekers fleeing persecution by the Taliban.
“As Jewish Canadians, we are all too familiar with the struggles refugees face in needing to flee to a new country,” said Michael Mostyn, B’nai Brith Canada’s Chief Executive Officer. “The Jewish community is deeply committed to helping recent arrivals adjust to life in Canada as they start anew, and B’nai Brith thanks all its passionate volunteers and supporters for allowing us to help others in their time of need.”