B’nai Brith Canada Thrilled to Announce Winners of Writing Competition in Toronto

Sept. 24, 2021 

TORONTO – B’nai Brith Canada is delighted to congratulate the winners of last night’s Diverse Minds creative writing competition in Toronto.


“This is our third year running this contest, and our first year in Toronto,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “It has turned out to be so successful that we will be expanding it to the entire GTA secondary school system for this 2021-2022 school year.”


Mostyn encouraged school administrators and teachers who are interested in knowing more about this rewarding contest to contact B’nai Brith. We invite all to follow our Diverse Minds updates here.


Diverse Minds is a groundbreaking contest designed to promote the vital values of diversity and inclusion in our country through the mediums of storytelling and illustration. High school students were invited to create books geared towards elementary school students. They were entered as submissions for chances to win prizes for themselves and for their schools and teachers.


The winners for Toronto were announced last night at a special celebratory event. The winners for the Edmonton and Manitoba region were announced earlier this month. Next month, the winners for Montreal will be announced.


Teya Knightingale took the first prize in Toronto, for her book “Mabel the Cat and her Magnificent Friends.”


For finishing first in our Toronto competition, the book by Teya has been professionally published and will be distributed at no cost to elementary schools and libraries in the Toronto area.