
B’nai Brith s’inquiète de l’évolution de la situation dans tout le pays

CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH 12 novembre 2023 Des groupes radicaux canadiens ont commencé à cibler notre économie canadienne dans une tentative malavisée de fustiger Israël alors qu’il mène une guerre d’autodéfense contre les terroristes de Hamas. Dans le cadre de cette campagne illégale, des manifestants dans des villes canadiennes ont intimidé, harcelé et vandalisé des […]

B’nai Brith s’inquiète de l’évolution de la situation dans tout le pays Read More »

WATCH: B’nai Brith Video Exposes Misuse of Canadian Taxdollars in Gaza

November 9, 2023 B’nai Brith has released a video exposing Hamas’ misappropriation of Canadian tax dollars in Gaza. Among other details, the video demonstrates that the Gaza Strip has received enough money from the international community, including Canada, to build a world-class healthcare system, hundreds of schools and a robust infrastructure. Instead of investing in their

WATCH: B’nai Brith Video Exposes Misuse of Canadian Taxdollars in Gaza Read More »

B’nai Brith félicite un député canadien pour avoir condamné les rassemblements pro-Hamas

CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH 7 novembre 2023 OTTAWA – B’nai Brith applaudit le député Kevin Vuong (Spadina-Fort York) pour avoir insisté au Parlement lundi sur le fait que le gouvernement fédéral doit agir contre les rassemblements incitant à la haine contre les Juifs canadiens. « Les Canadiens sont témoins de la glorification du terrorisme et de l’incitation

B’nai Brith félicite un député canadien pour avoir condamné les rassemblements pro-Hamas Read More »

B’nai Brith Applauds Canadian MP For Condemning Pro-Hamas Rallies

Cliquez ici pour le français November 7, 2023 OTTAWA – B’nai Brith applauds MP Kevin Vuong (Spadina-Fort York) for insisting in Parliament on Monday that the Federal Government must act against rallies inciting hatred against Canadian Jews. “Canadians are witnessing the glorification of terrorism and incitement of hatred against the Jewish community at pro-Hamas terror rallies across

B’nai Brith Applauds Canadian MP For Condemning Pro-Hamas Rallies Read More »

B’nai Brith est horrifié par le lancer d’un cocktail Molotov sur une synagogue à Montréal

CLICK HERE FOR ENGLISH Le 7 novembre, 2023 MONTRÉAL – B’nai Brith Canada est profondément troublé après qu’un cocktail Molotov a été lancé tôt ce matin à la Congrégation Beth Tikvah dans la banlieue de Dollard-Des Ormeaux. « Ce matin, nous avons été choqués de trouver les restes de ce qui semble être un cocktail Molotov

B’nai Brith est horrifié par le lancer d’un cocktail Molotov sur une synagogue à Montréal Read More »

B’nai Brith Horrified After Molotov Cocktail Thrown at Montreal Synagogue

Cliquez ici pour le français November 7, 2023 MONTREAL – B’nai Brith Canada is deeply disturbed after a Molotov Cocktail was thrown early this morning at Congregation Beth Tikvah in the suburb of Dollard-Des Ormeaux. “This morning, we were shocked to find the remnants of what appears to be a Molotov Cocktail thrown at the

B’nai Brith Horrified After Molotov Cocktail Thrown at Montreal Synagogue Read More »

Canada is starting to look like 1930s Germany

The Toronto Sun Nov 5, 2023     This was not Germany in the 1930s, but Canada on Nov. 4, 2023. In Ottawa this Saturday, there was a swastika outside the Parliament buildings, while in Toronto, there was an Iranian-regime flag on the streets and people also defaced a Jewish-owned business. Not every hater trying

Canada is starting to look like 1930s Germany Read More »

Okay to say ‘Israel should be banned’ at London Islamic School

The Toronto Sun Nov 2, 2023 WARMINGTON: Okay to say ‘Israel should be banned’ at Islamic school | Toronto Sun     The principal at London Islamic School – in Southwestern Ontario – says a teacher reading a student’s poem on TikTok that states “Israel should be banned” has been spoken to. However, the word

Okay to say ‘Israel should be banned’ at London Islamic School Read More »

B’nai Brith pushing provinces to add Holocaust education to their curriculums

The Globe and Mail Nov 2, 2023 B’nai Brith pushing provinces to add Holocaust education to their curriculums – The Globe and Mail     With Ontario and British Columbia in the process of making the Holocaust a mandatory subject in their schools, the Jewish advocacy organization B’nai Brith Canada is pushing more provinces to

B’nai Brith pushing provinces to add Holocaust education to their curriculums Read More »

There are so many anti-Semitic incidents occurring, it’s difficult to keep track

The Toronto Sun Nov 2, 2023     Jewish people don’t feel safe in Canada anymore. And there’s not enough outrage about the constant reminders of why they feel that way. We have seen a Jewish restaurant intimidated and threatened with boycott, a Jewish business surrounded, homes vandalized, and a woman punched in the

There are so many anti-Semitic incidents occurring, it’s difficult to keep track Read More »