
B’nai Brith Canada remet au ministre québécois Benoit Charette un certificat d’appréciation pour l’adoption de la définition de l’IHRA

Version anglaise | English Version Le ministre Benoit Charette de la Coalition d’Avenir Québec et membre de l’Assemblée nationale du Québec a rendu visite au bureau de B’nai Brith Canada à Montréal mardi pour accepter un certificat d’appréciation pour son rôle dans l’adoption par le gouvernement du Québec de la définition de l’antisémitisme de l’IHRA. […]

B’nai Brith Canada remet au ministre québécois Benoit Charette un certificat d’appréciation pour l’adoption de la définition de l’IHRA Read More »

B’nai Brith Canada’s Volunteers of the Month: Joe Amar

B’nai Brith Canada has introduced a new feature that is being posted regularly at This feature allows us to pay tribute and express gratitude to exceptional volunteers who have given their time and energy to further the missions of our grassroots, human-rights organization. We are grateful and proud of — Joe Amar is Chair

B’nai Brith Canada’s Volunteers of the Month: Joe Amar Read More »

Protégez votre communauté – Faites-vous entièrement vacciner

Version anglaise | English Version Le virus de la COVID19 a affecté de nombreuses facettes de nos vies. Heureusement, avec le succès du déploiement du vaccin, nous avons tous commencé à profiter de plus de liberté et d’un graduel retour à la normale. Mais le combat n’est pas terminé. Certains membres de la communauté n’ont

Protégez votre communauté – Faites-vous entièrement vacciner Read More »

B’nai Brith Canada’s Volunteer of the Month: The Sadeh Family

B’nai Brith Canada has introduced a new feature that is being posted regularly at This feature allows us to pay tribute and express gratitude to exceptional volunteers who have given their time and energy to further the missions of our grassroots, human-rights organization. We are grateful and proud of — Alon and Helen Sadeh

B’nai Brith Canada’s Volunteer of the Month: The Sadeh Family Read More »

Volunteers Sought for B’nai Brith Canada’s Important Pop-Up Clothing Stores

B’nai Brith’s pop-up stores work to ensure that people in our community have the clothing they need, free of charge. We provide “B’nai Brith Bucks” to several charities working with individuals living under the poverty line, who distribute them to their clients. The “B’nai Brith Bucks” are exchanged for clothing in our pop-up stores and

Volunteers Sought for B’nai Brith Canada’s Important Pop-Up Clothing Stores Read More »

B’nai Brith Canada’s Volunteer of the Month: Linda Hartum

B’nai Brith Canada has introduced a new feature that is being posted regularly at This feature allows us to pay tribute and express gratitude to exceptional volunteers who have given their time and energy to further the missions of our grassroots, human-rights organization. We are grateful and proud of — Linda Hartum’s love of

B’nai Brith Canada’s Volunteer of the Month: Linda Hartum Read More »