The Honourable Minister Ralph Goodale
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Dear Minister Ralph Goodale
We the undersigned are calling for the immediate deportation of former Nazi Helmut Oberlander following the exhaustion of all possible legal defences.
For far too long, spanning two decades, Canadians have watched as Oberlander—a former member of the notorious SS Einsatzkommando 10a (Ek10a) responsible for the murder of over 90,000 Jewish men, women, and children during the Holocaust—was able to stave off the revocation of his falsely obtained Canadian citizenship. Finally, after so long, justice has prevailed and his citizenship revoked, and it has been determined that all possible legal options to challenge this decision have been exhausted. This is a watershed moment demonstrating that Nazis around the world can never rest, and will always be brought to account for their crimes whenever and wherever possible.
However, the justice delivered thus far is not complete. Oberlander can no longer be allowed to abuse the privilege of Canadian citizenship by remaining in this country. Oberlander not only served as a member of a Nazi killing force, but took pains to exploit the generosity of Canada, and its citizens, and deliberately misled the public in order to evade responsibility for his actions, all the while enjoying the rights and privileges of citizenship in the great country of Canada.
Just yesterday, Prime Minister Trudeau issued a heartfelt apology to Jewish Canadians regarding Canada’s historic failure to save the lives of the Jews aboard the MS St. Louis, when they sought safe harbour in Canada in 1939. The Prime Minister resolved to take concerted action to not only remember past injustices against Jewish Canadians, but to actively challenge antisemitism today. Here and now, Canada has a prime opportunity to translate words into action, and demonstrate this very commitment for all Canadians to observe and be proud of.
Therefore, we again call for The federal government to arrange for the immediate deportation of Helmut Oberlander in accordance with Canadian law, and on behalf of all the victims and survivors of the Nazi death machine.