Our commitment to service excellence

B'nai brith Canada provides a turn-key service operation:
- Collection of Bins
- Dedicated Management
- Front-Line Staff to Service the Bins
B’nai Brith’s dedicated drivers service the bins both day and night to ensure that they always remain orderly and clean.
Our Bins – All of B’nai Brith’s bins are metal and are made by Rangeview Inc., the preferred supplier of donation bins for municipalities and provinces across Canada, located in Hamilton, Ontario.
reduce, reuse, recycle!
Donating your used clothes supports, the environment by reducing your carbon footprint, reusing textiles that would otherwise end up in landfills, and recycling articles of clothing back into the community.

Impact investments maximize environmental, social, and governance factors (otherwise known as ESG).
What is ESG?
ESG factors take into account how a business impacts the environment and society in the course of its operations. It also includes how a company is governed. ESG is a way for organizations to be transparent about how they do business.
Sustainability is a three-dimensional concept that includes environmental, economic, and social considerations. ESG is increasingly being used by investors and stakeholders as criteria to assess a company’s value to the environment and the communities they serve at the global, national and consumer levels. ESG is the guiding principle that will lead us to a sustainable future and is changing how businesses operate.
What does your ESG score mean?
Global events, such as the invasion of the Ukraine by Russia, have exponentially accelerated, the timetable for the measurement of sustainability or ESG factors.
- The resulting score is used by investors when deciding whether to invest in a certain company’s shares and by financial institutions when making lending decisions.
- As more companies begin incorporating ESG into their business plans (due to pressure from investors and financial institutions), some have seen improved performance as well as increased stock prices at the time of IPO (initial public offering). This has been attributed both to investor demand for sustainable investments and the fact that ESG can lower the cost of doing business for a company (e.g. by: reducing waste and energy costs).
B’nai Brith Canada is dedicated to creating value for our partners through our ESG commitments, which fall under these main priorities.
Financial institutions and investors are looking for concrete data on an organization’s environmental footprint. With B’nai Brith’s textile recycling program, our partners receive quantifiable metrics on a monthly basis, allowing for measurable tracking of reductions in carbon impact.
Our textile recycling program ensures that our used clothing remains in local vintage clothing markets, safeguarding that it doesn’t go to landfill nor to third world markets, negatively impacting those markets.
We are an active member of the National Association for Charitable Textile Recycling, an initiative pioneered by charity and non-profit organizations across Canada aimed at advancing the diversion of post-consumer textile waste.
Our innovative clothing programs serve our community’s needs by helping us to fund:
- Clothing– Free clothing pop-up stores servicing the community’s most vulnerable. We are the only Jewish organization in Canada to own and operate our own clothing donation program for the benefit of the community.
- Food– Providing weekly food boxes meeting all nutritional needs to our community’s most vulnerable.
- Seniors Programs – Our seniors programs offer camaraderie, community engagement and healthy lifestyle opportunities to Holocaust survivors, veterans and isolated seniors.
Partnering with B’nai Brith Canada’s clothing bin program provides the opportunity to not only protect the environment and improve your ESG scores, but to support us in our mission as “People Helping People.”

- We service our bins every day for the first three months after a bin’s placement.
- We collect data on each bin to assess the bin’s performance and determine the correct collection schedule.
- Collections for multi-residential units occur between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
- B’nai Brith has historically serviced our bins at minimum every three days.
- B’nai Brith is developing a technology for bin sensors, which will send an alert that results in a bin being serviced within 2-5 hours.
- Upon receiving a request to service a bin, our team will respond within 2-5 hours.
- We clean our bins both outside and inside.
- Our management teams track our drivers’ performance in servicing their assigned locations.
- We instil customer satisfaction as top priority of all of our drivers.
Maintaining service standards during the pandemic
Even during Covid lockdowns, B’nai Brith maintained the highest standards of service. This is demonstrated by the many testimonials received from our clients.
“Clean, well-maintained textile donation containers and excellent customer service are fundamental to the success of the City of Markham’s textile recycling program.
B’nai Brith holds a strong record of quality service delivery that has helped to build and preserve positive relationships with our residents and hosting sites across the City over the past five years.”
– City of Markham

involvement in nactr
The National Association for Charitable Textile Recycling (NACTR) is a Canadian leadership initiative pioneered by several charity and non-profit organizations who recognize their combined strength as an asset to increase textile donation awareness, thereby increasing funding to individual social causes.
B’nai Brith Canada is proud to be a member of the Board of NACTR and play a prominent role on its government relations and marketing committees.
NACTR strives to unite all Canadian charitable textile collectors to significantly advance post-consumer textile waste diversion. Releasing the value in textiles benefits our communities and environment towards a future as a circular economy based society. Together with governments, businesses and non-government organizations NACTR strives to accelerate the diversion of post-consumer textile waste throughout Canada.