Donate for Ukraine
Thousands of Ukrainians have been impacted by the war, and are facing difficulties to even obtain the most basic necessities. B’nai Brith Canada is preparing containers to send to the Ukraine in order to provide humanitarian assistance and necessities to Ukrainian citizens impacted by the war.
TORONTO: SUNDAYS MARCH 13, 20 & 27 • 11am – 2pm
Promenade parking lot beside LCBO
Drop off: clothing, blankets, hygiene products, flashlights and batteries, shoes, toys,
backpacks, and other such essential items.
CANADA-WIDE: ANYTIME • BnaiBrith.ca/UkraineRelief
Monetary donations are also being collected through the B’nai Brith Canada’s Emergency Ukranian
Relief Campaign, with 100% of the funds raised going directly toward purchasing essential items.