B'nai brith charity golf classic - toronto
6th annual golf tournament coming soon
thank you from the co-chair
Thank You!
B’nai Brith Canada and its volunteer golf committee of Michael Mostyn, Jay Harris, Sonny Goldstein, Howard Kamin, Steve Picov, Elliot Sylman, Dr. Brian Budovitch, Steve Muchnik and myself, would like to thank all the players and sponsors who participated in our 5th Annual Charity Golf Classic, held at The Thornhill Club on Aug. 17, 2020. We are extremely proud to have continued this important event in the B’nai Brith calendar, and despite some restrictions because of COVID-19, we were thrilled that we were able to hold such a wonderful, memorable event with so many familiar faces.
In five short years, we have developed the Annual B’nai Brith Charity Golf Classic into a premier, can’t miss Toronto event. This year, NHL greats Marcel Dionne, Rick Vaive, Gary Leeman and Dennis Maruk attended our tournament and were their usual delightful selves.
Please click this link to see B’nai Brith Canada’s Facebook album for highlights from the event here.
Once again, a big thank you to all who helped make this event happen.
We look forward to seeing you at the next Annual Golf Classic, in 2021!
Thank you,
Marty York,
Co-Chair, 5th Annual B’nai Brith Charity Golf Classic;
Chief Media Officer, B’nai Brith Canada
information on the 6th annual b'nai brith charity golf classic coming soon...

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