David Matas’ letter to Canadian museum regarding balanced approach to Arab-Israeli conflict

B’nai Brith Canada calls on the Canadian Museum for Human Rights to present the issues surrounding Israeli and Palestinian human rights fairly and squarely. The Museum has indicated that they have been working to develop new gallery content that will help Canadians “better understand the human rights violations Palestinians experience every day”. B’nai Brith Canada, in response, has asked that the Museum use as a guide to developing gallery content on Israeli and Palestinian human rights an analysis authored by Senior Honorary Counsel David Matas.

The e-mails sent from B’nai Brith to the Museum on this matter can be found here. The letter from B’nai Brith to the Museum attached to the first e-mail can be found here. The analysis by David Matas can be found here.

letter from B'nai Brith to the canadian museum for human rights