May 10, 2019
Dear Friends,
As a supporter of B’nai Brith Canada, we are excited to offer you the first opportunity to register for our upcoming event: Small Towns, Big Stories: A Day Trip to Midland, Ontario on May 30, 2019.
We are pleased to offer this event at no charge, but space is limited!
Please take advantage of this priority offer and reserve your spot now by emailing [email protected].
Presented in honour of Jewish Heritage Month, the trip will include a day-long excursion to Midland, a town located on Georgian Bay in Ontario.
Throughout the day, we will celebrate the often-overlooked stories of Jewish and Indigenous contributions to Canadian history.
Transportation to this event will be via coach buses, including one accessible bus for individuals with disabilities and seniors. We will depart from Toronto at 9 a.m. and return at 5:30 p.m.
The day will include a short walking tour of Midland, speeches by community members, and performances by a Klezmer band and Indigenous artists.
We will also provide snacks and water throughout the day, as well as a delicious lunch. Kashrut observed.
See you on May 30th!