joint statement condemning ndp motion on israel

B’nai Brith unequivocally condemns the NDP motion to be heard in the House of Commons on March 18th. The motion provides unrealistic recommendations to the Government of Canada on how to respond to the Israel-Hamas war.

B’nai Brith has sent a letter to all sitting MPs and has also coordinated a joint statement endorsed by a broad range of stakeholders from across the country condemning the motion.

Joint Statement Condemning NDP Motion on Israel

We, the undersigned strongly oppose the motion regarding the Israel-Hamas war recently introduced by the New Democratic Party (NDP) in the House of Commons.

It is unreasonable and immoral to demand an “immediate ceasefire” without having given Israel the opportunity to rectify the legitimate threats to the safety and security of its population. Forcing Israelis to return to the state of constant danger that existed before Oct. 7, 2023, is in fact contradictory to the establishment of lasting peace in the region, the stated impetus behind the motion. Providing Israel with the ability to vanquish all the terror factions presently jeopardizing its national security is the only logical way to ensure the future peaceful coexistence.

We share the NDP’s concerns about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza, as well as the party’s hopes for an everlasting and just peace in the Middle East. But far from bringing us closer to that goal, adoption of the proposed motion would severely undermine the prospect of regional stability by obstructing Israel’s ability to neutralize the terrorist groups responsible for perpetuating the conflict.

We endorse wholeheartedly the statement of former Prime Minister Stephen Harper: “We must develop a roadmap that will lead to a Palestinian state, and Israel needs to contribute to that. But Israel should not be asked to go down that path as long as such ideologies are allowed to flourish on the Palestinian side.” All opposition to peaceful coexistence must be removed before any semblance of a two-state solution can take shape.

For all these reasons, we call on the NDP to reconsider its misguided position and urge all MPs to oppose the motion when voting takes place on March 18th.


Artur Wilczynski, Retired Canadian Ambassador

Alliance of Iranian-Canadians

Ardeshir Zarezadeh, JD

Betsy Kane, Lawyer

Cameron Bishop

Chad Rogers, Partner, Crestview Strategy

Clarke Cross

Council of Iranian Canadians

Cindy Switzer, LLB

Col (Ret’d) Michael Ward

Councillor Andee Shuster, District 8, City of Côte Saint-Luc

Councillor Gila Martow, Ward 5 Councillor for the City of Vaughan

Councillor James Pasternak, Toronto Ward 6

Councillor Mike Cohen, District 2,  City of Côte Saint-Luc 

Councillor Steven Erdelyi, District 4, City of Côte Saint-Luc

Dahlia Kurtz, Columnist, Radio Talk Show Host, Journalist

Daniel Stanton

Darryl Wolk

David Garson, LLB

David Matas, CM

Deputy Mayor Dida Berku, Deputy Mayor of Côte Saint-Luc

Dominic Cardy, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Fredericton West-Hanwell, New Brunswick

Dr. Leonor Ward

Donna Holbrook

Elias Makos, Radio Host

Emma Cunningham, former Ontario NDP riding president

Felicia Posluns, State Building Corporation, Toronto

Georganne Burke, Sr VP, Pathway Group

Goldie Ghamari, Member of Provincial Parliament for Carleton

Greater Toronto Area Kurdish House

Hart Kaminker, Barrister and Solicitor

Hindu Forum Canada

Honourable Bronwyn Eyre, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Saskatchewan

Ian DaSilva

Indo Canadian Kashmir Forum (ICKF)

Jerry Grafstein, Former Canadian Senator 

Joe Roberts, Managing Director of Winston Wilmont Public Affairs and Chair of Meretz Canada

Joseph Mancinelli

Joseph R. Young, LLB Professional Corporation

Karen Restoule, Vice President, Crestview Strategy

Karen Stintz, Former Toronto City Councillor

Lisa Macleod, Member of Provincial Parliament for Nepean-Carleton

Malcolm Mansfield, Wabana Capital

Marcel Wieder, President & Chief Advocate, Aurora Strategy Global

Mayor Jeremy Levi, Mayor of the Town of Hampstead

Mayor Mitchell Brownstein, Mayor of Côte Saint-Luc

Michael Henschel

National House of Prayer

Nelly Zagdanski, Madison Group

Noah Zatzman, Principal, Aurora Strategy Global

Progressive Muslim Association Against Antisemitism 

Rao Yendamuri – President of Hindu Forum

Raheel Raza, Director, Council of Muslims against Antisemitism

Reuven Brenner, Board of Governers, IEDM

Reza Banai, Chair of Justice 88

Richard Gotfried, Former Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta for Calgary-Fish Creek

Robert William “Bob” Runciman, Former Canadian Senator

Ryan Painter, former NDP Executive from British Columbia

Sabrina Maddeaux, Columnist

Samuel Lewkowicz

Sergio R. Karas, JD

Shermineh Esmati

Syed Sohail Raza, Council of Muslims Facing Tomorrow

Tahir Gora – President of Progressive Muslims

The Honourable James Moore, PC, Former Member of Parliament

The Honourable Jason Kenney, PC, ECA, Former Premier of Alberta and Member of Parliament

The Honourable Jonathan Denis, ECA, KC, Former Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta for Calgary—Acadia

The Honourable Linda Frum, Former Canadian Senator

The Honourable Lisa Raitt PC, Former Canadian Member of Parliament 

The Honourable Marlene Jennings PC, Former Canadian Member of Parliament 

The Honourable Stockwell Day PC, Former Member of Parliament 

Town of Hampstead 

The Honourable Tyler Shandro, KC, Former Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary—Acadia

Veronique Malka, Canadian Lawyer

Victoria Mancinelli

Vivienne Ziner, The Iceberg Initiative

W. Michael G. Osborne, Lawyer

Warren Kinsella, Former Special Assistant to Prime Minister Jean Chretien

Wladyslaw Lizon, Former Canadian Member of Parliament

letter to all sitting MPs

Déclaration commune condamnant la motion du NPD sur Israël

B’nai Brith condamne sans équivoque la motion du NPD qui sera entendue à la Chambre des communes le 18 mars et qui propose des recommandations irréalistes au gouvernement du Canada sur la manière de répondre à la guerre entre Israël et le Hamas.

B’nai Brith a envoyé une lettre à tous les députés et a également coordonné une déclaration commune approuvée par une large gamme de partenaires de partout au pays, condamnant la motion.

Déclaration commune condamnant la motion du NPD sur Israël

Nous, soussignés, nous opposons fermement à la motion concernant la guerre entre Israël et le Hamas récemment introduite par le Nouveau Parti Démocratique (NPD) à la Chambre des Communes.

Il est déraisonnable et immoral d’exiger un « cessez-le-feu immédiat » sans avoir donné à Israël la possibilité de remédier aux menaces légitimes qui pèsent sur la sécurité de sa population. Forcer les Israéliens à revenir à l’état de danger permanent qui existait avant le 7 octobre 2023 est en effet contradictoire avec l’établissement d’une paix durable dans la région, ce qui est l’objectif déclaré de la motion. Donner à Israël la capacité de vaincre toutes les factions terroristes qui compromettent actuellement sa sécurité nationale est le seul moyen logique d’assurer la coexistence pacifique future.

Nous partageons les préoccupations du NPD concernant la détérioration de la situation humanitaire à Gaza, ainsi que les souhaits du parti néo-démocrate pour une paix juste et durable au Moyen-Orient. Au lieu de nous rapprocher de cet objectif, l’adoption de la motion proposée compromettrait gravement les perspectives de stabilité régionale en entravant la capacité d’Israël à neutraliser les groupes terroristes responsables de la perpétuation du conflit.

Nous approuvons pleinement la déclaration de l’ancien Premier ministre Stephen Harper : « Nous devons élaborer une feuille de route qui conduira à un État palestinien, et Israël doit y contribuer. Mais il ne faut pas demander à Israël de s’engager dans cette voie tant que de telles idéologies sont autorisées à prospérer du côté palestinien ». Toute opposition à la coexistence pacifique doit être éliminée avant qu’un semblant de solution à deux États puisse prendre forme.

Pour toutes ces raisons, nous demandons au NPD de reconsidérer sa position malavisée et incitons tous les députés à s’opposer à la motion lors du vote du 18 mars.

Signé par

Artur Wilczynski, Retired Canadian Ambassador

Alliance of Iranian-Canadians

Ardeshir Zarezadeh, JD

Betsy Kane, Lawyer

Cameron Bishop

Chad Rogers, Partner, Crestview Strategy

Clarke Cross

Council of Iranian Canadians

Cindy Switzer, LLB

Col (Ret’d) Michael Ward

Councillor Andee Shuster, District 8, City of Côte Saint-Luc

Councillor Gila Martow, Ward 5 Councillor for the City of Vaughan

Councillor James Pasternak, Toronto Ward 6

Councillor Mike Cohen, District 2,  City of Côte Saint-Luc 

Councillor Steven Erdelyi, District 4, City of Côte Saint-Luc

Dahlia Kurtz, Columnist, Radio Talk Show Host, Journalist

Daniel Stanton

Darryl Wolk

David Garson, LLB

David Matas, CM

Deputy Mayor Dida Berku, Deputy Mayor of Côte Saint-Luc

Dominic Cardy, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Fredericton West-Hanwell, New Brunswick

Dr. Leonor Ward

Donna Holbrook

Elias Makos, Radio Host

Emma Cunningham, former Ontario NDP riding president

Felicia Posluns, State Building Corporation, Toronto

Georganne Burke, Sr VP, Pathway Group

Goldie Ghamari, Member of Provincial Parliament for Carleton

Greater Toronto Area Kurdish House

Hart Kaminker, Barrister and Solicitor

Hindu Forum Canada

Honourable Bronwyn Eyre, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Saskatchewan

Ian DaSilva

Indo Canadian Kashmir Forum (ICKF)

Jerry Grafstein, Former Canadian Senator 

Joe Roberts, Managing Director of Winston Wilmont Public Affairs and Chair of Meretz Canada

Joseph Mancinelli

Joseph R. Young, LLB Professional Corporation

Karen Restoule, Vice President, Crestview Strategy

Karen Stintz, Former Toronto City Councillor

Lisa Macleod, Member of Provincial Parliament for Nepean-Carleton

Malcolm Mansfield, Wabana Capital

Marcel Wieder, President & Chief Advocate, Aurora Strategy Global

Mayor Jeremy Levi, Mayor of the Town of Hampstead

Mayor Mitchell Brownstein, Mayor of Côte Saint-Luc

Michael Henschel

National House of Prayer

Nelly Zagdanski, Madison Group

Noah Zatzman, Principal, Aurora Strategy Global

Progressive Muslim Association Against Antisemitism 

Rao Yendamuri – President of Hindu Forum

Raheel Raza, Director, Council of Muslims against Antisemitism

Reuven Brenner, Board of Governers, IEDM

Reza Banai, Chair of Justice 88

Richard Gotfried, Former Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta for Calgary-Fish Creek

Robert William “Bob” Runciman, Former Canadian Senator

Ryan Painter, former NDP Executive from British Columbia

Sabrina Maddeaux, Columnist

Samuel Lewkowicz

Sergio R. Karas, JD

Shermineh Esmati

Syed Sohail Raza, Council of Muslims Facing Tomorrow

Tahir Gora – President of Progressive Muslims

The Honourable James Moore, PC, Former Member of Parliament

The Honourable Jason Kenney, PC, ECA, Former Premier of Alberta and Member of Parliament

The Honourable Jonathan Denis, ECA, KC, Former Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta for Calgary—Acadia

The Honourable Linda Frum, Former Canadian Senator

The Honourable Lisa Raitt PC, Former Canadian Member of Parliament 

The Honourable Marlene Jennings PC, Former Canadian Member of Parliament 

The Honourable Stockwell Day PC, Former Member of Parliament 

Town of Hampstead 

The Honourable Tyler Shandro, KC, Former Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary—Acadia

Veronique Malka, Canadian Lawyer

Victoria Mancinelli

Vivienne Ziner, The Iceberg Initiative

W. Michael G. Osborne, Lawyer

Warren Kinsella, Former Special Assistant to Prime Minister Jean Chretien

Wladyslaw Lizon, Former Canadian Member of Parliament

Lettre à tous les députés