Lethbridge University: Say NO to Antisemitism!

B’nai Brith Canada is urging the University of Lethbridge in Alberta to investigate one of its professors over suggestions that he has promoted Holocaust denial and other antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Anthony Hall, who teaches Globalization Studies, is a proponent of what he refers to as an “open debate on the Holocaust” (page doesn’t exist), a supporter of Holocaust deniers like Monika Schaefer, and has even accused Israel of “playing a key role” in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

A university professor for more than 25 years, Hall uses his credentials to establish the legitimacy of the theories he espouses. However, many of his students have spoken out against him for promoting his “sensationalized” and “biased” views and for abusing “the stage he receives as a teacher.”

B’nai Brith continues to demand that the University of Lethbridge investigate, to guarantee that students are not subject to Hall’s anti-Zionist itinerary, but the institution has chosen to stand by its professor (page doesn’t exist), citing a commitment to “academic freedom.” According to a 2011 statement from Universities Canada, however, academic freedom “includes the right to freely communicate knowledge and the results of research and scholarship.”

Does the University of Lethbridge feel that Holocaust denial, accusations of world Zionist conspiracies and antisemitism are the legitimate “results of research and scholarship?”

If you agree that Lethbridge University should investigate Hall’s conduct, please sign our petition below.


Michael Mahon, University of Lethbridge, President
Andrew Hakin, University of Lethbridge, Provost
Craig Cooper, University of Lethbridge, Dean of Arts and Science
Marlin Schmidt, Minister of Advanced Education, Alberta
Rachel Notley, Premier of Alberta
Rachael Harder, Member of Parliament for Lethbridge
Shannon Phillips, Member of Legislative Assembly for Lethbridge-West
Maria Fitzpatrick, Member of Legislative Assembly for Lethbridge-East
Chris Spearman, Mayor of Lethbridge

Whereas Holocaust denial is considered to be antisemitism under the definitions of both the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and the European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC); And whereas the University of Lethbridge is a publicly funded institution of higher learning; 

We the undersigned believe that a university professor, whose salary is paid with public funds, has an obligation to uphold the values of scholarship and academic rigour. Holocaust denial and false-flag conspiracy theories should not, therefore, be presented as fact or legitimate results of research and scholarship by someone in a position of academic authority. The Holocaust is a well-documented historical tragedy, and by allowing one of its professors to question these facts, the University of Lethbridge has not only undermined the sanctity of legitimate historical scholarship, but has also allowed the perpetuation of antisemitism at the hands of a member of its faculty.

Whether these views are presented inside or outside the classroom is irrelevant, when the individual is promoting himself as a faculty member at a university, and when that individual uses their credentials as a professor to legitimize antisemitic views.

We do not want our tax dollars going to fund anti-historical, anti-academic, and antisemitic content by representatives of our post-secondary institutions.

We demand that the University of Lethbridge immediately investigate the conduct of Professor Anthony Hall, and put in place measures to ensure that no student on its campus is exposed to antisemitism, Holocaust denial or discriminatory conspiracy theories at the hands of any of its teaching faculty or staff.