Making an Informed Choice

In the run-up to the federal elections, B’nai Brith published a thorough 20-page Elections Guide on the positions of the four main political parties. The topics range from fighting antisemitism to confronting hate speech, Holocaust commemoration and education, tackling the threat of terrorism, anti-Israel bias at the UN and other international bodies, the BDS movement, Iran, Nazi glorification, Canada-Israel relations, social services such as secure housing, seniors’ programs, emergency food programs.

In direct quotes from the parties’ platforms, B’nai Brith showed where the parties stand on each of these issues.


Asking the Candidates Your Questions

More than 800 viewers tuned in for our election debate with the candidates in Winnipeg South Centre on September 13. Moderator Howard Morry asked questions on antisemitism, Israel’s position at the UN, Iran, responses to Covid-19, climate change, attention for elderly in our society, implementation of the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the parties’ vision for youth. The candidates presented their platforms and entered into a lively debate.