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Protecting Canadian Values: Ban the Nazi Swastika in Canada
We, the undersigned, call on the Government of Canada to pass legislation banning, with exceptions for certain educational and artistic purposes, the public display of Nazi symbols and iconography, including the Nazi swastika.
In recent years, Nazi iconography has surfaced with alarming frequency in the public sphere, used by an increasing number of groups and individuals to promote hate and instill fear within Canadian society.
Since the atrocities of WWII, the Nazi swastika has become universally synonymous with systematic violence, terror and hate. Its growing presence in our country poses a threat to every single Canadian citizen, undermining the core values of equality, diversity, and inclusion that define our nation.
Eighteen countries have already taken action to ban these symbols. It is imperative that Canada follow suit.
We urgently demand that the Government of Canada immediately:
- Ban the Nazi swastika
- Ban all Nazi symbols and iconography
The people of Canada are counting on you to ensure a future free from hate, where every Canadian is protected, valued, and respected.
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