Ontario Government Announces Creation of Anti-Racism Directorate

February 16, 2016, TORONTO — The Ontario Government announced today that it is establishing an Anti-Racism Directorate to address racism in all forms, and B’nai Brith Canada is eager to see it succeed.

“Since 1875, B’nai Brith has fought the harmful effects of racism and discrimination on individuals of all backgrounds,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer, B’nai Brith Canada. “We are pleased to see that the Government of Ontario is tackling this important issue by introducing a new Anti-Racism Directorate and look forward to working with the new Minister Responsible for Anti-Racism, Michael Coteau.

“It is encouraging that the government has expressed its desire to consult with various communities and experts to establish the specifics of the directorate’s mandate. For more than three decades, B’nai Brith has been tracking antisemitism and general discrimination trends in Canada. We are particularly sensitive to this issue as, according to the most recent Toronto Police Services report (2014), Jewish people were the most targeted minority group to be attacked in the city.

“We have asked for a meeting with Minister Coteau,” added Mostyn. “Our experts are looking forward to assisting with this initiative.”


For further information please contact:

Sam Eskenasi
Director of Communications
B’nai Brith Canada
[email protected]
416-633-6224 x122