PETITION: ICNA Must Remove Hateful Speakers from its Toronto Conference

Sept. 26, 2018

Tahir Alvi, President
Islamic Circle of North America – Canada
391 Burnhamthorpe Road East
Oakville, ON
L6H 7B4

Dear President Alvi,

We, the undersigned, demand that you rescind the invitations for the following speakers at your upcoming annual convention, Carry the Light, taking place on Oct. 6-7, 2018 at the International Centre in Mississauga, Ont.:

– Imam Siraj Wahhaj

– Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda

– Ustadh Abdelrahman Murphy

– Lord Nazir Ahmed

– Boonaa Mohammed

– Linda Sarsour

The above individuals have either peddled in racist, homophobic, misogynistic or antisemitic tropes, expressed support for radical extremism and terrorism, traded in conspiracy theories, or some combination of all of these things.

Antisemitism, like all other forms of bigotry and discrimination, must be rooted out from Canadian society. Allowing individuals who have brazenly trafficked in such rhetoric undermines that very goal—a goal which all fair-minded Canadians regardless of race, sex, gender, or creed reject outright.

Again, by affixing our names to this petition, we demand the following:

  • That you rescind the invitation afforded to these speakers to address attendees at your convention.
  • Therefore, if you are truly interested in interfaith dialogue and a positive relationship with other religious and cultural groups, we demand that you immediately remove these individuals so that they cannot use your pulpit to spread such vitriolic and dangerous views.