israel at war
Campus letter writing campaign

Jewish students on university campuses across Canada have been feeling unsafe and unsupported, often facing blowback following the recent Hamas terror attacks. Please join our lettering writing campaign to tell Canadian universities to unequivocally condemn Hamas terror and ensure a safe environment for their Jewish students. 

Les étudiants juifs sur les campus universitaires à travers le Canada se sentent en danger et sans soutien, souvent confrontés à des représailles suite aux récentes attaques terroristes du Hamas. Nous vous invitons à participer à notre campagne d’envoi de lettres pour demander aux universités canadiennes de condamner sans équivoque le terrorisme du Hamas et de garantir un environnement sûr à leurs étudiants juifs.

Re: Please Take a Stand Against Pro-Terrorism Rallies on Your Campus

I am writing to you to support the Jewish community at your institution by unequivocally condemning Hamas, a listed terrorist organization in Canada, and by voicing your support for Israel, a staunch ally of Canada.

Hamas’s charter is profoundly antisemitic and violent, calling for Muslims around the world to eliminate Jewish people and rejecting all forms of peace negotiations with Israel. Article 15 of the Hamas charter declares that:

“In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad. This would require the propagation of Islamic consciousness among the masses on all local, Arab and Islamic levels. We must spread the spirit of Jihad among the [Islamic] Umma, clash with the enemies and join the ranks of the Jihad fighters.”

The hateful charter also contains numerous harmful antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories. They do not pretend to advocate for human rights: their raison d’etre is to destroy the Jews. During their brutal rampage into Southern Israel on October 7th, Hamas members murdered more than 1,300 Israelis, including young women, children, and the elderly. Hundreds of civilians were abducted to Gaza with evidence pointing to sexual assault and torture.

As those responsible for educating our next generation of citizens, it is crucial that no institute of higher education be seen as condoning activities that glorify terrorism. Doing so by far exceeds the reasonable bounds of academic freedom. Institutions like yours have a vital role to play as custodians of learning. Students and members of the public look to our academic institutions for guidance on complex topics such as this. By using your voice, you can dispel the foul myths and rumors appearing on social media, many of which are conducive to the radicalization of youth.

Please reaffirm your institution’s commitment to creating a discrimination-free environment for all members of your community, by preventing the dissemination of incitement.


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Re: Prenez position contre les rassemblements pro-terrorisme sur votre campus
Je vous écris pour soutenir la communauté juive de votre établissement en condamnant sans équivoque le Hamas, une organisation terroriste inscrite sur la liste du Canada, et en exprimant votre soutien à Israël, un allié fidèle du Canada.
La charte du Hamas est profondément antisémite et violente, appelant les musulmans du monde entier à éliminer le peuple juif et rejetant toute forme de négociation de paix avec Israël. L’article 15 de la charte du Hamas déclare que:

« Pour faire face à l’usurpation de la Palestine par les Juifs, nous n’avons d’autre choix que de brandir la bannière du Jihad. Cela nécessiterait la propagation de la conscience islamique parmi les masses à tous les niveaux locaux, arabes et islamiques. Nous devons répandre l’esprit du Jihad au sein de l’Umma [islamique], affronter les ennemis et rejoindre les rangs des combattants du Jihad. »

Cette charte haineuse contient également de nombreux tropes antisémites nuisibles et des théories du complot. Ils ne prétendent pas défendre les droits de la personne: leur raison d’être est de détruire les Juifs. Au cours de leur brutale incursion dans le sud d’Israël le 7 octobre, les membres du Hamas ont assassiné plus de 1 300 Israéliens, dont des jeunes femmes, des enfants et des personnes âgées. Des centaines de civils ont été enlevés à Gaza et des preuves indiquent qu’ils ont été victimes d’agressions sexuelles et de tortures.
En tant que responsables de l’éducation de notre prochaine génération de citoyens, il est essentiel qu’aucun établissement d’enseignement supérieur ne soit perçu comme tolérant des activités qui glorifient le terrorisme. Cela dépasse de loin les limites raisonnables de la liberté académique. Les établissements comme le vôtre ont un rôle vital à jouer en tant que gardiens de l’apprentissage. Les étudiants et le public se tournent vers nos institutions académiques pour obtenir des conseils sur des sujets complexes tels que celui-ci. En utilisant votre voix, vous pouvez dissiper les mythes et les rumeurs nauséabondes qui apparaissent sur les médias sociaux, dont beaucoup sont propices à la radicalisation des jeunes.
Veuillez réaffirmer l’engagement de votre établissement à créer un environnement sans discrimination pour tous les membres de votre communauté, en empêchant la diffusion d’incitations.
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When you submit your details, this letter, including your name, surname and email address will be sent to the list of people below.

Sent by e-mail to:


Concordia University: Graham Carr, President and Vice-Chancellor,  [email protected]; [email protected]

Western University: Dr. Alan Shepard, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected]  

Waterloo University: Dr. Vivek Goel, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

 York University: Rhonda Lenton, President & Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

University of Toronto: Meric Gertler, President, [email protected] 

University of British Columbia: Deborah Buszard, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

Queens University: Patrick Dean, Principal and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Univertsite de Montreal: Daniel Jutras, Recteur, [email protected] 

McGill University: Christopher Manfredi, Provost and Vice Principal (Academic), [email protected] 

University of Victoria: Kevin Hall, President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

University of Alberta: Bill Flanagan, President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

University of Manitoba: Michael Bennaroch, [email protected] 

University of Winnipeg: Todd Mondor, President & Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

University of Prince Edward Island: Dr. Greg Keefe, President, [email protected] 

University of Cape Breton: David Dingwall, President, [email protected]

Ontario Technical University: Stephen A. Murphy, President, [email protected].  

University of Windsor: Rob Gordon, President and Vice-Chancellor,  [email protected] 

Sir Wilfred Laurier University: Deborah MacLatchy, President, and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Acadia University: Dr. Jeffery Hennessy, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

University of New Brunswick: Paul Mazerolle, President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Simon Fraser University: Dr. Joy Johnson, President, [email protected] 

University of Northern British Columbia: Geoff Payne, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

 Mount Royal University: Tim Rahilly, President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

University of Ottawa: Jacques Frémont, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

McMaster University: David Farrar, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

University of Calgary: Dr. Edward McCauley, President, [email protected] 

TMU: Dr. Mohamed Lachemi, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

Dalhousie University: Dr. Kim Brooks, President & Vice Chancellor, [email protected]

Carleton University: Dr. Jerry Tomberlin, President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Lakehead University: Dr. David W. Barnett, Vice-President (Academic) and Provost, [email protected]

University of Yukon: Dr. Lesley Brown, President & Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Brock University: Lesley Rigg, President & Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

University of Regina: Jeff Keshen, President and Vice Chancellor,  [email protected] 

Universite TELUQ: Mme Lucie Laflamme, [email protected] 

Trent University: Dr. Leo Groarke, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

 Laurentian University: Sheila Embleton, President & Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

OCAD University: Dr. Sara Diamond, President & Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Redeemer University: David Zietsma, President, [email protected]  

Nipissing University: Dr. Kevin Wamsley, President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Algoma University: Asima C. Vezina, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

Brescia University College: Dr. Lauretta Frederking, President, [email protected] 

Huron University: Barry Craig, President & Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

St. Jeromes University: Dr. Peter M. Meehan, President and Vice Chancellor, via Katrina Kaczala, Executive Assistant to the President, [email protected] 

University of St. Michael’s: David Sylvester, President, [email protected] 

Universite de Sudbury: Serge Miville, President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Victoria University: Rhonda N. McEwen, President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected]

St. Francis Xavier University: Dr. Andy Hakin, President & Vice Chancellor, [email protected].  

L’Universite Sainte-Anne: Allister Surette, Recteur et vice-chancelier, [email protected] 

University of Kings College: William Lahey, President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected]

University of Guelph: Charlotte Yates, President, [email protected] 

University of Saskatchewan: Peter Stoicheff, President, [email protected]

Royal Military College of Canada: Brigadier-General Pascal Godbout, Commandant, [email protected]; and Dr. Phil Bates, Principal, [email protected].    

Memorial University: Neil Bose, President and Vice-Chancellor; via Margot Brown, Executive Director, [email protected].   

Bishop University: Sébastien Lebel-Grenier, Principal and Vice Chancellor, [email protected]  

École de Technologie Supérieur: François Gagnon, directeur général et chef de la direction, [email protected]  

École des hautes études commerciales de Montréal: Federico Pasin, Directeur, [email protected]  

École nationale d’administration publique (de UQAM): Hugo Cyr, Directeur general, [email protected] 

Institut national de la recherche scientifique: Luc-Alain Giraldeau, Direction Générale, [email protected]   

Polytechnique Montréal: Maud Cohen, Directrice Générale, [email protected] 

Université Laval: Sophie D’Amours, Rectrice, [email protected]  

Université de Sherbrooke: Pierre Cossette, Recteur, [email protected]  

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM): Stéphane Pallage, Recteur, [email protected]  

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQATR): Kathleen Bélanger, Directrice, Bureau du recteur, [email protected] 

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC): Ghislain Samson, Recteur, [email protected] 

Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR): François Deschênes, Recteur, [email protected]  

Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO): Murielle Laberge, Rectrice, [email protected] 

Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT): Vincent Rousson, Recteur, [email protected] 

Athabasca University: Alex Clark, President, [email protected] 

Concordia University of Edmonton: Tim Loreman, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

MacEwan University: Annette Trimbee, President and Vic-Chancellor [email protected] 

Mount Royal University: Tim Rahilly, President and Vice-Chancellor [email protected] 

St. Mary’s University: Sinda Vanderpool, President and Vice-Chancellor [email protected] 

The King’s University: Melanie Humphreys, President, [email protected] 

University of Lethbridge: Digvir Jayas, President, [email protected] 

Capilato University: Paul Dangerfield, President, [email protected] 

Emily Carr University: Trish Kelly, Interim President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Kwantlen Polytechnic University: Alan Davis, President & Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Royal Roads University: Philip Steenkamp via Ann Reeves, Executive Assistance, [email protected] 

Thompson Rivers University: Brett Fairbairn, President, [email protected] 

Trinity Western University: Mark Husbands, President, [email protected] 

Vancouver Island University: Deborah Saucier, President and Vice-Chancellor [email protected] 

University of the Fraser Valley: Joanne C. MacLean, President and Vice-Chancellor [email protected] 

Université de Moncton: Dr Denis Prud’homme, rector and vice-chancellor [email protected].  

 Mount Allison University: Dr Robert MacKinnon, interim President and vice-chancellor [email protected] 

St. Thomas University: Dr. Nauman Farooqi, President and Vice-Chancellor [email protected] 

New Brunswick Community College: Mary Butler, President and Chief Executive Officer. NBCC (Division) [email protected] 

Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick: Pierre Zundel President and General Director, [email protected] 

New Brunswick College of Craft and Design: Carrie Nolan, College Director [email protected] 

Crandall University: Bruce Fawcett, President and Vice Chancellor. [email protected] 

Kingswood University: Stephen J. Lennox, President, [email protected] 

Booth University College: Dr Rob Fringer, President and Vice Chancellor, [email protected] 

Brandon University: Dr. David Docherty, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

Canadian Mennonite University: Cheryl Pauls, President, [email protected] 

Providence University College: Kenton Anderson, President, [email protected] 

University College of the North: Doug Lauvstad, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

Université de Saint-Boniface: Sophie Bouffard, President, [email protected] 

University of Manitoba: Dr. Michael Benarroch, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

University of Winnipeg: Dr. Todd Mondor, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

Assiniboine Community College: Mark Frison, President and CEO, [email protected] 

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology: Neil Cooke, President and CEO, [email protected] 

Red River College Polytech: Fred Meier, President and CEO, [email protected] 

Mount Saint Vincent University: Joël Dickinson, President and Vice-Chancellor, [email protected] 

NSCAD University: Dr. Peggy Shannon, President, [email protected] 

Saint Mary’s University: Robert Summerby-Murray, President, [email protected]