Reactions Pour in to B’nai Brith on Green Party and IJV

Following the revelation of the Green Party’s heavy reliance on the discredited Independent Jewish Voices organization this week, B’nai Brith Canada has received a large number of responses and reactions from the Jewish community, praising the work of our advocacy and communications teams.

Past B’nai Brith investigations revealed that the group promotes Holocaust denial, 9/11 conspiracy theories, boycott and sanctions against Israel, and promotes the destructive and oppressive Iran regime and its hateful Al Quds day events. This so-called “progressive Jewish” organization initially responded to B’nai Brith reports by deleting half its website.

The latest development in the series of investigations has revealed that Independent Jewish Voices dictates the Green Party’s foreign policy, particularly its singling out of Israel. Green Party members voted online to forward two foreign policy resolutions to its annual convention. Party leader Elizabeth May has drawn on the ideology of IJV, which endorses the boycott and sanctions movement against Israel and calls to revoke the charitable status of a Canadian-Israeli environmental organization (Jewish National Fund).

Here are some of the interesting responses received in the past 24 hours:

“… IJV leaders such as Ken Stone have been known to conduct visits to Iran to consult with, commiserate and plan hate events with those who want to nuke the West, deny the Holocaust, and create hundreds of thousands of deaths in Iraq and Syria… Why does Ken Stone’s agenda appeal to Elizabeth May?…”
“The Green Party taking potshots at an organization that plants trees and makes the desert green is mind-boggling.”
“I was quite surprised and disheartened to read of Elizabeth May’s position on both issues and will be informing her personally in that regard.”
“Can you imagine the swift, severe reaction to someone calling to boycott gay, black or native shops? No politician openly maligns gays, blacks or natives, yet Jews are ‘open season’ all year long!… for too long we’ve tolerated groups such as IJV… We look to leadership and we must demand more, much more from leaders of Jewish organizations for aggressive campaigns to counter antisemitism at every turn…”

Paul Estrin, critic and former President of the Green Party of Canada, liked B’nai Brith Canada’s post on the Green Party’s ties to IJV on Facebook.

B’nai Brith Canada is a Jewish organization that investigates, identifies and advocates for antisemitic incidents. There will be further investigations and articles on hate groups such as IJV.

Please feel free to share this information with as many people as possible to raise awareness of anti-Israel and antisemitic hatred in Canada.