seniors programs

toronto programming
In non-COVID times, B’nai Brith Canada hosts a subsidized seniors program Monday through Friday at Beth Radom Synagogue (18 Reiner Road). The program offers a nutritious lunch and activities that fully engage the participants. Many of the seniors participating in our program are Holocaust survivors, widows and widowers, who attend the centre to cultivate lasting friendships and maintain ties to their community.
During COVID we provide our seniors with virtual programming to ease their isolation.

Montreal programming
In non-COVID times, B’nai Brith Canada’s Community Volunteer Services [CVS] Committee hosts Sunday music brunches for seniors at Adath Israel Congregation in Hampstead. The program offers a nutritious brunch, music and dancing that fully engage the participants.
During COVID we bring the music to the Seniors residences outside, weather permitting. We will also be providing virtual programming.

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