Shalom and Shana Tova!
As we approach Rosh Hashanah and the new year, B’nai Brith Canada is hard at work fighting antisemitism and hatred – wherever and whenever it appears. We join the Jewish community of Canada in praying for a new year free of the scourge of antisemitism and the threat it poses to our survival.
With an upcoming election and the ongoing pandemic, these times are far from ordinary. Yet each Rosh Hashanah we are invited to take delight in the beauty of creation. From prayerful evenings at synagogues or at home across the country to joyous meals at the kitchen table, the Canadian Jewry can take comfort and pride in the vibrancy of our communities.
Last year wasn’t an easy one. Israel’s defensive actions against terrorism inspired passionate and sometimes militant anti-Israel rallies across Canada that deeply shook our community. Antisemitism soared, with our 2020 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents reporting more than seven antisemitic incidents a day.
This May alone, as reported by B’nai Brith, Canada’s Jewish community experienced an unprecedented rise in violent antisemitic incidents across the country — consistent with alarming global trends.
Despite these challenges, B’nai Brith Canada remains firm in our commitment to you. Your donations make this happen.
As we have since 1875, we continue to hold steadfast in our mission to serve as a unifying voice advancing the causes central to upholding and preserving the culture of Canada’s Jewish community.
As part of that mission, we are excited that we have launched Canada’s first anti-hate application. Available in both French and English, the app serves as a vital tool in combating hatred on the ground and online. If you haven’t done so already, we encourage you to download the app (available on Android and Apple) and report hate to us wherever and whenever you see it. We are there for you and we will follow up to ensure incidents are dealt with properly.
We will have more to tell you about this groundbreaking app in the near future.
Furthermore, B’nai Brith eagerly anticipates the return of students to the classroom this fall. Despite our optimism, we continue to watch university campuses closely as all too often they emerge as antisemitic hotspots with radical student governments, unions, or even faculty members alienating Jewish students.
We will continue to fight for a Canada where Jewish and Israeli students can be proud of their identities without fear of discrimination.
As we leave behind one year and begin 5782 anew, we ask that you consider donating to help us help those in need by continuing our vital work.
May this new year be sweet, healthy, and happy. L’Shana Tova! Happy Rosh Hashanah!

Franklin Switzer
Chair of the Board
B’nai Brith Canada