February 12, 2025
WHITBY, Ont. – B’nai Brith Canada’s call for the Federal Government to ban the public display of the Nazi Swastika is gaining momentum, with the Durham Regional Council passing a motion endorsing it Wednesday.
“B’nai Brith applauds the Durham Regional Council for standing up for Canadian values,” said Richard Robertson, B’nai Brith Canada’s Director of Research and Advocacy, who delegated on our organization’s behalf at the Council’s Wednesday sitting. “We are especially grateful to Councillor Chris Leahy for introducing this motion.”
In its declaration, the Council states that “the people of Canada are counting on the Federal Government to ensure a future free from hate, where every Canadian is protected, valued, and respected.”
In mid-January, following an incident in Southwestern Quebec, B’nai Brith Canada launched a petition to ban the public display of the Nazi Swastika and other Nazi iconography. More than 10,000 people have signed the petition thus far.
“Durham’s endorsement of this call to action demonstrates that Canadians support this initiative,” Robertson said. “We call on other municipal and provincial governments to follow suit as we seek a national ban on the public display of the Hakenkreuz (Nazi Swastika).”
The Durham Regional Council’s motion in support of the ban comes a week after the Town of Whitby passed a similar motion last week.