B’nai Brith Canada’s Volunteers of the Month: Tiphaera Ziner Cohen

B’nai Brith Canada has introduced a new feature that is being posted regularly at www.bnaibrith.ca/volunteer-with-us.

This feature allows us to pay tribute and express gratitude to exceptional volunteers who have given their time and energy to further the missions of our grassroots, human-rights organization.

We are grateful and proud of

People Helping People

Tiphaera Ziner Cohen realized at the start of the pandemic that many seniors would be isolated, and people would be in need of extra support. She began volunteering for B’nai Brith Cares Emergency Food Program; packing food boxes and delivering them every Thursday.

The Emergency Food Program was started by B’nai Birth during the COVID pandemic, as many Toronto Kosher food banks had closed, and their recipients left even more vulnerable with nowhere to turn. B’nai Birth continues to provide at-risk individuals, seniors and families in need with nutritious food boxes on a weekly basis.

Tiphaera is currently in her second year of law school at the University of Windsor and is the Co-President of the Jewish Law Student’s Association. Growing up, Tiphaera always knew about B’nai Brith because of her mother’s involvement with the organization. It wasn’t until she began university that she experienced B’nai Brith’s impact, through its advocacy for Jewish students on campus. Since then, Tiphaera has been working with B’nai Brith Canada to have Windsor University adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism.

Tiphaera says that volunteering for B’nai Brith has been an amazing experience and has provided her with the opportunity to build connections with senior members of the community. She feels lucky to have started volunteering for the program since it started in March 2020, and to be able to see its growth and impact on the community. She says that volunteering every Thursday has been a really great way to get into the “Shabbat Spirit!”

We thank Tiphaera for all the hard work and dedication she has put into B’nai Brith and look forward to seeing the important impact she will make on the University of Windsor community.