Delivery Stoppage of Your Ward News a Positive Step: B’nai Brith Canada

A decision by the federal government ordering Canada Post to stop delivering a Toronto-based publication entitled Your Ward News is a positive step in the fight against the promotion of hatred, according to B’nai Brith Canada. The publication has a history of promoting a range of antisemitic, racist and anti-government conspiracy theories.

“In the past year, we have received literally hundreds of phone calls and emails from people who have felt victimized by the content in this publication,” said Amanda Hohmann, National Director, B’nai Brith Canada’s League for Human Rights. “We are pleased to see that the government has taken appropriate steps to protect Canadians from this kind of hate propaganda.

Your Ward News editor-in-chief James Sears has long claimed that this publication is satire, and that those opposed to the paper are simply trying to remove his right to free speech.

“The content of Your Ward News is not satirical and this is not about free speech. This is about protecting the rights of people, such as Holocaust survivors, from receiving unsolicited hate in their mailboxes,” Hohmann said.